The Orthopedics branch of medical care treats the musculoskeletal system. The musculoskeletal parts include the joints, bones, ligaments, muscles, and tendons. Musculoskeletal doctors are therefore called an orthopedist. Problems with the musculoskeletal system are treated using both surgical and non-surgical procedures. Some of the issues that affect musculoskeletal parts include joint pains, backaches, and sports injuries. Other professions that are considered part of the orthopedic treatment team are nurses, athletic coaches, physician assistants, and therapists. Georgia Orthopedics offer specialized treatment for musculoskeletal system problems.
Musculoskeletal problems can be inherited or developed at one age. Below is an overview of some of the issues that fall under musculoskeletal conditions.
- Bone fractures
- Back pain
- Congenital conditions
- Arthritis joint pains
- Sports injuries
- Soft tissues injuries
Orthopaedists normally perform a physical examination and X-ray examination when checking a patient for the first appointment. Depending on a client’s initial condition, an orthodontist can choose to conduct further examination using the in-office procedures or use further diagnostic tests. The main indicators checked for by Orthopedics include.
- The symptoms of an individual
- A person’s medical records, medical history, and overall health.
- A review of the person’s previous X-rays.
- Physical examination
Sometimes an Orthopedist may need to conduct further tests on a patient to confirm whether the predicted symptoms are the actual signs of musculoskeletal conditions. Some of the tests include CT scan, ultrasound, MRI scan, blood tests, bone scan, and nerve conduction examination.
Treatment Options
Examples of treatments recommended by Orthopedics include.
- Mobility aids
- Anti-inflammatory medications
- Home exercise programs
- Surgery in severe cases
- Injection
- Physical therapy and rehabilitation
- Acupuncture
- Home exercise programs
Surgical procedures performed by Orthopedics include.
- Complete Joint Replacement
This procedure is done to replace damaged joints with a prosthesis which is made up of both metal and plastic and can function as someone’s joint.
- Arthroscopic Surgery
Diagnosis of joint problems is done using a device called an arthroscope. The surgery is an invasive procedure done by making incisions and using small instruments to fic the issues. The arthroscope has a camera that is connected to a video monitor before inserting the equipment into someone’s joint to diagnose. This procedure is mostly applied to correct joint injuries.
- Fracture Repair
Extremely broken bones require a repair operation. An orthopedic surgeon can use implants to stabilize the bone therefore helping its healing process. Some of the implants used include wires, rods, screws, and plates.
- Bone Grafting Surgery
This involves a patient’s bone being replaced with a bone from a different body part. The bones act as a repair treatment and provide strength to the damaged bone. The bone used for replacement can also be sourced from a donor.
- Spinal Fusion
This surgical procedure is done to join spinal vertebrae. A solid bone mass is used to heal a single damaged vertebra. Back and neck issues can also be treated using this surgical procedure to join the vertebrae, scoliosis, or the Intervertebral discs.
The Orthopedics medical branch deals with the treatment of musculoskeletal system problems and injuries. These conditions can be developed by an individual as they age or be born with the conditions. Several other professionals make the Orthopedics team that is responsible for handling patients with musculoskeletal problems.