
Myths about surrogacy

Despite these significant advantages, there are many myths about surrogacy in Ukraine.

Which of them are true and which are speculations?

Myth 1: The child has a genetic link to a surrogate mother

This is not true. The embryo is created by combining the biomaterials of the mates, the expectant parents who use the services of a surrogate mother, and is transplanted to her.

Also, the genetic link is between the girlfriends (or one of the surrogate parents) and the child. This surrogacy is called gestational (or total) motherhood.

This is another important reason why prospective fathers are ready to spend a lot of money for having a child by a surrogate mother in Ukraine, because this child will be biologically related to them (i.e. genetically appropriate appearance, status or even temperament, character of the parents).

There is no controversy between the surrogate and the child. Otherwise, the fathers would be more likely to give preference to the adoption (also allowed for foreigners).

Myth 2: Any woman can become a surrogate

There are several requirements. Among them: 18 + age (in practice, up to 35-40 years), at least one healthy child, the absence of medical contraindications.

In this case, the marital status of the woman, the material status or other factors do not matter.

In addition, the vouching for the pregnancy by close relatives of the future fathers (mother, sister, cousin, etc.) is allowed.

Myth 3: Any person can be an expectant father, regardless of their status, orientation or marital status

In Ukraine, only heterosexual couples who are in a registered partnership may become the future fathers of a child born of a surrogate.

This means that homosexual, unmarried heterosexual couples and single women/boys cannot become parents through the use of assisted reproductive technology.

There are medical indications for becoming a child’s father in this way.

If you are interested in costs of surrogacy in Ukraine, check our site.

Myth 4. A surrogate mother has parental rights to her child

Although a surrogate mother wines and bears a child, she is not genetically linked to the child and, according to the law, has no parental rights over the child.

The law stipulates that the parents of a child born with the use of assisted reproductive technologies are friends whose genetic material is used for procreation.

That is why biological fathers have to take the child from the family home, register her birth, give her name and surname.

The birth certificate lists the biological parents themselves as the child’s parents and does not contain any information about the surrogate or how the child was born.

For her part, a surrogate does not have the right to keep the child for herself if she wants to do so after the birth of the child. Otherwise their actions will be rejected in court.

That is why the contract with the surrogate mother often includes sanctions (e.g., in the form of a fine) for a woman’s violation of its terms.

In addition, a surrogate mother has no right to challenge the maternity in court.

Myth 5: Prospective fathers can refuse to have a child

This situation is unlikely since childless couples do not opt for spontaneous surrogacy.

Sometimes the couple goes a long way and spends a lot of money on the dream of becoming mothers. That is why there is no reason for them to refuse the child.

In any case, the contract with the surrogate mother stipulates that the prospective parents are obliged to take the child after she is born (even if the child is born with defects that are not the fault of the surrogate mother).

In the following material read about the requirements for a surrogate mother: what to do for a woman who wants to become a surrogate mother, what rights and duties she will have, and what monetary compensation she can count on.