
Five Treatment Options People with Obstructive Sleep Apnea can Consider

If you have sleep apnea, the decision to get treated is for you to make. The condition presents daytime sleepiness and changes in your personality and mental function and you want to get treated to get through every day of your life. However, not all people with sleep apnea know they have it and associate their symptoms with other diseases.

Obstructive sleep apnea is a chronic condition characterized by episodes of partial or complete upper airway collapse during sleep. Because of the sleep disruption, a person who has this disorder will experience excessive daytime sleepiness. If you have obstructive sleep apnea, here are the treatment options that you can take into account:

Losing Weight

In some patients, obstructive sleep apnea can become too severe because of their weight. Thus, losing even a modest amount of weight can dramatically reduce your problem. Generally, 10% to 15% weight loss will help in minimizing the seriousness of sleep apnea by half.

Changing Body Positions

A number of patients may experience an episode of apnea when they sleep on their back. Staying on the side may help in reducing or eliminating the problem. But, doing this can be more difficult than it seems. If you have this problem, consider sewing a tennis ball into your pajama top’s back. Also, you can consider elevating your bed’s head by around 30 degrees to reduce apnea.

Taking Medications

 In general, physicians do not recommend medications as main treatments for sleep apnea. But, a number of drugs can help sufferers manage their symptoms such as difficulty sleeping or daytime sleepiness. These medications include e those that promote wakefulness like Modalert. There are also over-the-counter medications that patients can take based on the advice of their doctors.

Avoiding Alcohol

Obstructive sleep apnea can be exacerbated by most agents, which cause sedation including alcohol. Alcohol leads to a decrease in upper airway tone and usually results in the worsening of apnea. Reducing or avoiding alcohol intake, especially a few hours before bedtime, is necessary to manage sleep apnea.

Considering Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP)

This treatment option involves delivering air under pressure to the throat. The pressure serves as an air splint that holds the airway open and prevents a collapse.  CPAP is often delivered through a mask which fits over the nose. The relief that patients can experience vary as some of them experience it the first night they use the treatment while others take one to two weeks.

Whether you are looking to try changes in their lifestyle, consider alternative therapies or order Modalert online, it is important to consult with their doctor first. Obstructive sleep apnea is a chronic disorder that should not be ignored.